This program was great because it showed me how to make it a habit to constantly seek God first instead of solving things on my own."
-Rachel Fernandez,
The Stressed to Refreshed podcast
Let's face it--there's nothing more frustrating than stepping out of your comfort zone, only to feel like you're not getting anywhere and you're wasting time and money. You never actually create the business God is calling you to.😣
And there's nothing more disheartening than feeling confident in your niche--only to have shiny object syndrome shortly after and you pivot business ideas- again.
You know that you should do what God is leading you to do and be confident in the business He's calling you to. Maybe you've even done all the research on different online business models and tried a few.
And yet, it's not quite working.
Pivoting your career to having an online business feels like a big leap, and you want to be sure about it.
But you aren't sure if you're hearing God or if it's just a business idea you want to start for selfish reasons (spoiler: Your desire and God's plans can align).
The many mindset blocks around things like money, wealth, and self-worth come up at every turn which makes starting and running a business very challenging. It's hard to sell anything when you feel like what you're offering isn't good enough or if you feel like making money this way is "bad".
Other people make it look easy. But for you, it's been anything but. You thought that the hard part was going to be deciding to start the business, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning.
And now you feel like you must be missing something.
And you're not alone. Most Christian entrepreneurs feel the same.
So what's missing? A Biblical mindset.
The truth is that having confidence in what and who God has called you is a game changer, one that will allow you to actually start and grow a successful business, know how to hear God and know you're on the right path, and make an impact on the people God has put on your heart.
The problem? Fear, doubt and worry often make it really hard to actually step out in faith and step into your calling.
But what if there was a way to make sure you were doing things God's way and taught you how to get rid of the fear holding you back?
Hey there! I'm Alexia - a Christian mindset coach passionate about teaching moms how to renew their minds to find success both in business and motherhood. You CAN overcome the negative thoughts holding you back from fully stepping into your calling.
I know what it’s like to worry your business will never work, to feel mom guilt every time you work on your business. To realize your mindset is hindering you, but not knowing how to change it in a Christ-centered way.
After going through my own journey of renewing my mind with a Biblical mindset and seeing the transformation it had on my stress, life and business, I started helping other women do the same.
I'm here to teach you how to use the powerful combination of God’s Word and proven mindset strategies to help you break free from negative, paralyzing thoughts and gain clarity and confidence to go where God is leading you. As you step out of the old way of thinking and into God’s way, you’ll find more peace, joy and purpose.
I can't wait to support you as your coach as we uncover the negative thoughts holding you back so you can do what God is calling you to do.
Get ready to let God work in you so He can work through you.
"Just wanted to share a huge win! Had my first kick off session for Alexia’s coaching package on Saturday. 3 days later, I had a huge answer to prayer. I Voxer’d Alexia …”I sold one!!” (I sounded like a total crazy person 😂). This was a sale for my program. It came so fast after making some small changes. And…I had even raised the price $200. Thank you Jesus and Alexia for following your calling to serve us!"
- Lee Meier,
The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur is a powerful program, designed to help you get rid of mindset blocks and develop a Biblical mindset, so that you can take confident action in your business and see traction in your business.
The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur was originally created to help Christian mom entrepreneurs get out of their own way to say "Yes!" to God's calling on their lives, and has so far helped women
If you're a Christian mom entrepreneur (or wanting to be), or if you know that your fear and doubts are getting in the way of you stepping into your calling to start a business, then this is an opportunity that I promise you will not want to miss.
I honestly got so much out of this program. I gained so much clarity on who I am supposed to serve and what God has been calling me to do. Alexia is such an amazing coach and there to listen and give solid advice and ask questions to have you come up with your own solutions
-Melanie Chavez, Heal Your Trauma, Mama! podcast
You know something is missing. It's not more strategy. Having a Biblical mindset is the missing piece. Once you see yourself and your business the way God does, then you'll be able to overcome fear and confidently step into your calling.
This is the path that's going to get you unstuck and walking confidently in your calling (aka taking action in your business).
You'll uncover the core limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck and gain a profound understanding of where these lies have come from. Then you’ll learn how to develop a Biblical mindset.
Get really clear on what God has put on your heart for this business. This is going to give you direction where you may have been confused before. No more shiny object syndrome or doubting your business ideas after this step
Get clear on the business God has called you to create. Then, using the God-given vision for your business, you’ll create a business blueprint to know what you’re creating moving forward.
You'll learn to shift your perspective, seeing your business as a platform for God's work and embracing the role of a steward. Embrace a Biblical mindset about money, sales, and wealth.
Equipping you with the essential tools and strategies to continue your mindset transformation journey beyond the program's completion. You'll learn how to apply the principles and techniques you've acquired throughout the program to any future mindset challenges that arise.
When you purchase The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur, you'll have instant access to all the tools you need to be confident in your calling as an entrepreneur. This proven process provides a step-by-step plan for how to tackle the major areas where negative thoughts are getting in the way, so you'll never wonder what your next step should be.
The Called and Confident Framework ($997 VALUE)
Using the proven 5-step process, you will have the resources and training for how to overcome mindset blocks and step into your calling to start a business.
Called and Confident Calls ($2000 VALUE)
Lifelong access to monthly group coaching call. Get questions answered, live coaching with me (Alexia), and connect with others in the program to receive and give feedback for each other. Want to come 3, 6 or 12 months later? You're welcome to join. This provides ongoing coaching support as you continue to grow in your business and as an entrepreneur.
1:1 COACHING (8 sessions)
Digging deeper with the power of coaching is going to provide transformational breakthroughs as you progress through the program
Worry-free Guarantee
What if this doesn't work for me? I know this will be transformative to your business and life if you do the work in this program. But to ease any concerns, if you aren't seeing results, then simply let me know, and I'll continue to work with you to help you start to see results.
Foundation + Support
Total value: $6164
Reg. Price: $2597
(payment plans available; pay in full bonus gift)
Bonus: Money Mindset Bible Study
Diving deeper into what God says about money with this 27-page Bible study.
Features & benefits of this bonus offer:
Absolutely! I know investing in yourself is a big decision and you want to ensure that coach you're choosing is the right fit. For any reason, if you'd like to ask questions, see if we're a good fit, etc. book a free discovery call HERE.
It's true. This program won't be for everyone. But it is for you if you...
Basically, if you're wanting to get out of your own way so you can finally take action and do what God is calling you to do....then this program is for you.
Yes! While this is a self-paced program with a digital course that provides all the tools, resources and training you need to have major breakthrough and see success in your business, I also know coaching is powerful. So you get lifetime access to the Called and Confident Community with monthly coaching/Q&A so you always have support. If you buy the Foundation program and later want to add coaching, that is always an option.
The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur will be delivered digitally, via the email address you provide at checkout.
I know I need help, but I'm already so busy. How much time will this require?
I know you're busy, but investing the time into overcoming these mindset blocks will ultimately give you more time.
I think I need strategy, not mindset.
While strategy is important, mindset blocks will keep you from taking the action you need to. Getting your mindset straight will help you implement the strategy to see success.
Due to the nature of a digital program, there aren't any refunds for things like buyer's remorse. However, I do care about your satisfaction with the program and don't want you to worry about that aspect. I know this will be transformative to your business and life if you do the work in this program. But to ease any concerns, if you aren't seeing results after doing the mindset work here, then simply let me know, and I'll continue to work with you to help you start to see results.