Overcome mindset blocks and start walking in your calling

During our 30-min. call, we'll talk about where God is calling you with your business and the biggest barriers holding you back. You'll ask any questions you have, and we'll determine whether we're a good fit to work together.


Helping you step out in faith where God is leading you in your business

Get a professional perspective on mindset blocks and how they're

holding you back

100% free

This is a free call to connect, share what's on your heart, ask questions and hear how coaching can help you take the next steps.

No pressure call.

I know that not everyone is ready to work with a coach and that I won't be the right fit for everyone. On this call, I'll share my coaching packages with you with no pushy sales tactics.

Glimpse into working together.

On this 30 minute call, it'll give you an idea of what it would be like to work together and the best option for you.

Hey There!

I'm Alexia, a Ph.D. scientist turned Biblical mindset coach passionate about helping women follow where God is leading them. To do that, there are usually mindset blocks that have to get out of the way, and that's where I come in. I'm a Christ follower, a wife of over 10 years, and a mom to a wild and fun almost 8 year old boy. I'm excited God led you here, and I can't wait to talk with you more about where He's leading you in your business.

Ready to connect?

(and finally start taking confident action in your business?!)

Let's chat and help you say "yes!" to where God is calling you.